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Otoya: I can't wait that we're celebrating Halloween and Cecil's birthday.

Luna: Let's hope that Natsuki doesn't make us do the gummy bear eating contest.

Natsuki: Which we're going to do of course.

Syo: And the guys of Quartet Night are joining us this time!

Otoya: Rei-chan didn't mind us digging the fridge of the Quartet Night dormitory.

Cecil: I hope Camus wins the contest.

Natsuki: You're part of the contest with us Cecil-kun.

Cecil: Okay let's hope one of us don't throw up due to overeating.

Masato: We left the other pack of gummies for Kurosaki-san for Cecil's birthday cake.

Cecil: I bet the birthday cake from Ranmaru-senpai would so delicious!

Tokiya: You should've seen the cake that Kurosaki-san made for Mikaze-san's birthday at the cruise ship. Shinomiya-san took a picture of it and send it to the page of pictures of Ai-chan on the Saotome Academy website.

Otoya: I heard from Ai-senpai that he stayed up all night making this three tiered cake.

Syo: When me and Natsuki spent the night at the Quartet Night dormitory before our birthday cruise for Ai's birthday. We've had heard noises from Ranmaru-senpai making the cake.

Ren: I hope it didn't scare you and Shinomi, Ochibi-chan!

Syo: Stop calling me that!

Natsuki: Maru-chan-senpai woke us up at 1:00 to show us the cake.

Masato: I bet he had dark circles around his eyes due to being an insomniac.

Tokiya: Kotobuki-san and the rest of Quartet Night didn't mind the noises he made.

Cecil: I'm also performing Kanbinaru Arcadia for you guys, If I don't pass out during the eating contest that is.

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