Quartet Night

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Reiji: Hey Ai-Ai!

Ai: Oh hey Reiji.

Reiji: It looks like you got some presents for Nattsun and Syotan.

Ai: Of course. I didn't want to be a walking present just you did for Otoya for his birthday.

Ranmaru: When is Natsuki and Syo's birthday?

Ai: It's on Thursday.

Reiji: Did you help Ai-Ai with buying the presents Ran-Ran?

Ranmaru: Camus called me on the phone of his hotel room to tell me to dust his bookshelves. You know I hate cleaning his room.

Luna: I don't know why his bookshelves are too dusty. Haruka is still busy dusting them.

Reiji: Did Haruka get presents for Nattsun and Syotan?

Luna: Of course. She got Natsuki the poster of him with Piyo-chan and a new fedora for Syo.

Ai: I've seen a picture of him wearing it.

Haruka: And the theme for their party is a mix of Piyo-chan and action movies.

Luna: That's kind of interesting.

Reiji: How did you get the idea?

Haruka: Natsuki has been in every commercial for the Piyo-chan Eggs for as long as can remember.....

(Natsuki: Piyo Piyo Piyo Piyo-chan! Piyo-chan no tamago yoroshiku desu. Piyo-chan no tamago hatsubaichuu. Oshii desu yo!)

Haruka: And Syo likes action movies involving his teacher Hyuga-Sensei.

Reiji: He and I sang the theme song for his tv show Every Buddy!

Luna: Tsukimiya-Sensei even played a female police officer in that show as a guest star.

Ai: But he's a guy.

Luna: I know that.

Ai: I can't wait to celebrate their birthday.

Luna: Me too.

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