Quartet Night

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Reiji: You did a very good deed for Cesshi. Good job Myu-chan!

Camus: Thanks Kotobuki. I didn't notice that my prince costume fitted him.

Ranmaru: All my fans loved my vampire costume.

Reiji: That's very cool Ran-Ran.

Ai: I remembered Haruka filmed Luna getting chased by a zombie and noticing that was me.

(Luna: Please don't eat my brain!
Ai: Luna, It's only me.
Haruka: Worst zombie encounter ever!)

Camus: Mikaze, You're supposed to pretend to eat Luna's brain.

Ai: She's my fan and I'm not a real zombie.

Ranmaru: I pretended to suck the blood of Masato and Ren.

Camus: All you did was put a temporary tattoo of a puncture wound on their necks.

Ranmaru: Cause I don't want to bite their necks.

Camus: You shut up!

Ranmaru: No, you!

Ai: Calm down you two! Now go to your rooms and think about what you done.

Reiji: Good job Ai-Ai.

Ai: Thanks Reiji.

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