Luna and Kasumi #8

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Kasumi: That livestream was great.

Luna: You really like the song that I sung do you?

Kasumi: I've heard the original singers sing that song.

Luna: The original singers are Ai and Camus.

Kasumi: I didn't notice their names.

Luna: Right now, We're decorating Quartet Night's dormitory for Ranmaru's birthday.

Kasumi: But his birthday is not until the 29th.

Luna: Ranmaru will be staying at a hotel until the day of his birthday so we can surprise him.

Kasumi: That'll be a good place for that guy. That way he wouldn't interfere with what you guys are doing.

Luna: And he'll practicing for the birthday performance while he's there.

Kasumi: I better hurry. Me and Tsukiko are getting something for Reina's birthday.

Luna: But it's not until next month.

Kasumi: I know that.

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