Six Gravity (ft. Rui Minaduki, Iku Kannaduki, and Chisa Togawa)

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Rui: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Arata. Happy birthday to you.

Arata: Thanks Minaduki. I appreciate it.

Rui: Ikkun is looking forward to viewing the cherry blossom tree after the party.

Chisa: I'm even taking a picture of the tree and send it to Wakaba.

Aoi: Speaking of Wakaba. Where is she?

Chisa: She's back at the Fluna dormitory preparing the surprise for Mr. Arata after the viewing of the cherry blossom tree.

Aoi: Wakaba has been in Uduki's fandom for as long I can remember.

Arata: She has been liking my debut song Along the Cherry Blossoms, Only With You ever since she saw me in the recording studio singing it.....

(Arata: Kimi dake wo, kimi dake wo aishite ku to kimeta.....)

Chisa: The chorus part of the song was her favorite part of the song. It was very beautiful!

Arata: I love to make my fans proud.

Hajime: Uduki, come to the party hall.

Arata: I bet Minaduki is singing my song to me.

(Rui: Riyuu nante doko ni mo naku....)

Iku: Rui's been practicing for this performance as long as can remember.

Arata: He's also wearing my outfit when I performed this song at my solo concert.

Iku: Except it's in his color and not orange.

(Rui: Sayonara, sayonara......)

Rui: Happy birthday Arata. That's my birthday present to you!

Arata: Thanks Minaduki. I appreciate it.

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