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Ai: Your birthday party is going to be in the same place as Hajime's birthday party?

Yuki: You're absolutely right. The agency's party hall is welcomed to every fanclub to celebrate their favorite idol's birthday.

Ai: It'll also be the same place for me and Big Brother's birthday party next month. All of amor will enjoy the party!

Yuki: Shun and Tsubaki are coming to my birthday party since they're part of the initium fanclub.

Ai: I bet Shun likes you.

Yuki: He's been a guest in my family's zaibatsu before me and Hajime became idols.

Ai: He only likes Hajime.

Yuki: He's been in my solo concerts and even took pictures of me. So he also likes me.

Ai: I guess the rest of Six Gravity and Procellarum are watching the livestream for the party.

Yuki: You can watch with the guys of Six Gravity if you want to.

Ai: That means I can watch it with my big brother!

Yuki: Also Tsukiko will be back in her cosplay as Louis Kisaragi but she will be singing Silent Promise.

Ai: That song is so beautiful! I fell in love with the song ever since I listened to it.

Yuki: Plus, Tsukiko's impression of Shoutan's singing voice when she sang I Know Shangri-La for Hajime was really accurate.

Ai: She didn't sing the song in her normal voice?

Yuki: Nope. I have a seen a video of her impressions of the different actors singing. Shoutan was one of them.

Ai: I'll see that video of that tonight.

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