Quartet Night

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(Reiji, Ranmaru, and Camus were doing different things. Reiji is watching his favorite anime, Ranmaru is playing his bass guitar, and Camus is reading a novel.)

(Ai came back from his practice with Natsuki and Syo.)

Reiji: How was your practice with Nattsun and Syotan?

Ai: It was fun. But Syo was little lazy and wanted to take a nap but he did good regardless of his laziness.

Reiji: How's Nattsun?

Ai: Natsuki was fine too. He sang some of his songs to me.

Reiji: He's really one of the talented guys of Starish isn't he Ai-Ai?

Ai: Of course, He's one of the prominent members of Starish, His talents are no joke at all.

(Ranmaru goes downstairs to the living room and sees Reiji and Ai.)

Ranmaru: Hey Reiji! Hey Ai!

Reiji: Oh hey Ran-Ran. Are you still busy practicing for the Saotome talent show?

Ranmaru: I'm still practicing but I had to take a little snack break.

Ai: Try not to eat the snacks that I bought for Luna when she visits today.

Ranmaru: Okay, I'll try not to.

(Ranmaru went back to his bedroom.)

Reiji: Is Luna spending the night with us?

Ai: Of course she is Reiji. She's sleeping with me on the spare bed in my bedroom.

Reiji: That'll be cool.

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