Starish (ft. Quartet Night)

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Luna: The beach was great! Thanks guys!

Otoya: You should've seen Ranmaru-senpai's back when he was tanning it was beet red.

Ranmaru: Um....Otoya. I didn't get a sunburn.

Otoya: I know that.

Natsuki: I took pictures of Ren-kun to put on the Saotome Fangirl Page.

Luna: Were you tanning too Ren?

Ren: I wore a tank top the whole time. But it didn't get sunburned.

Camus: I was reading a graphic novel under the shade of the umbrella.

Cecil: Yeah, Camus hates getting sunburn.

Tokiya: We all know who got sunburn.

All (except Reiji and Ai): Who?

Tokiya: It was Kotobuki-san.

Ai: He tried to do the same thing as Ranmaru but ended up getting sunburn on his back.

Natsuki: I should take a picture of it and send it to the Fangirl Page.

Reiji: You can't do that Nattsun!

Ai: Taking pictures of someone who has a sunburn is a no-no! Don't do it Natsuki!

Natsuki: Okay, Sunburns are a no-no!

Otoya: Masa has a sunburn too!

Masato: If Shinomiya takes a picture of my sunburn arms, I will kill him!

Ai: Um, Masato. Don't be mad at Natsuki.

Masato: I was jealous that Natsuki took pictures of Jinguji instead of me.

Natsuki: Actually, I took pictures of you first and Ren-kun was next.

Masato: Oh right. My mind was mixed up.

Syo: Sorry I'm late. My fudge pop melted and I cleaned the seat from the melted pop.

Ai: It's still fine Syo.

Natsuki: Did you get sunburn Syo-chan?

Syo: No! I was in the shade the whole time!

Luna: This was fun!

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