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Eiichi: How's your birthday party with Nagi?

Shion: It was great. We had it in our favorite restaurant.

Eiji: You didn't bring myself and Big Brother with you. I always loved their burritos.

Nagi: I even got the recipe for the Avocado Burrito as a souvenir.

Yamato: That's my favorite burrito they have over there. I just wish Ryuya was there to make it when he's on break.

Kira: I never knew your brother was the teacher in Saotome Academy.

Yamato: He's teaching Syo and the rest of Starish.

Shion: I saw Mr. Tsukimiya as Shigure in the latest episode of Every Buddy. We watched after we came home after eating at the restaurant.

Van: He did a good job playing Shigure. Your brother is Haruki Matsuoka of Shibuya Police Department right Yamato?

Yamato: Of course. He's really good for doing it.

Shion: Maybe I can make the Avocado Burrito and send it to your brother.

Yamato: Good idea.

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