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Eiji: Happy birthday Big Brother!

Eiichi: Thanks Eiji. I thought that Father is giving this gift to me.

Eiji: Well, he's busy with other stuff, He called me to bring it to you.

Eiichi: Is there more to the surprise?

Eiji: The rest of us are in the living room. There's more presents there too.

All (except Eiichi and Eiji): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Eiichi. Happy birthday to you!

Eiichi: I didn't notice you guys were having a surprise party!

Shion: Van made this cake. And it's chocolate your favorite!

Kira: He also made a vanilla cake for Nagi because he's allergic to chocolate.

Yamato: He's also made the vanilla cake for me too.

Kira: I didn't notice that. Sorry about that.

Yamato: It's fine Sumeragi. It's really fun to celebrate our leader's birthday.

Eiichi: It's still fun while were at it.

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