Six Gravity

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(Hajime in his bedroom looking at the picture of Shun Shimotsuki with the words "To: Mutsuki Hajime From: Shun of Procellarum.)

Hajime: I can't believe that the leader of Procellarum gave me a signed picture of him. He's my beloved fan! I can't wait to hang it.

Aoi: Mutsuki!

Hajime: Satsuki, Why the heck are you in my room?

Aoi: I heard you squealing about something.

Hajime: I just got a signed picture of Shun when I went to a Procellarum concert yesterday.

Aoi: Yeah, you and Uduki went to their concert to support our sibling group.

Hajime: But Uduki got his favorite member.

Aoi: Who?

Hajime: Minaduki.

Aoi: I've heard Uduki listening to the Pluvia Podcast almost every Friday.

Hajime: I think he's secretly part of his fan club.

Aoi: Please don't tell that to Uduki. You'll make him mad if you did.

Arata: Are you guys talking about what I listening to yesterday?

Hajime: Of course. What's the Pluvia Podcast?

Arata: It was a podcast for the fan club of the representatives of the month of June. Hosted by Minaduki Rui and Terase Yuno, They also host a variety show where themselves or with a guest who are part of the fandom to do crazy activities.

Arata: I'm going to be the guest for the first episode of the variety show!

Aoi: Can I come too?

Arata: They only bring one guest. You, Mutsuki, and the rest of Six Gravity will be watching.

Hajime: I hope you make us proud!

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