Kai Fuduki

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(July A jellyfish drifting in the sea.....)

Kai: Wow! I never seen a rare jellyfish in the ocean before! I hope I can catch it and put in my aquarium with the other jellyfishes.

Mizuki: We're only here to look at the fireworks Kai. Not jellyfishes. The jellyfish you're looking is shaped like a balloon.

Kai: Oh it's was not on the ocean. Thanks for correcting me Mizuki.

Mizuki: Yuno is not going to make it to the fireworks show since she's babysitting your Demon Lord.

Kai: She's not babysitting Shun. She's comforting Rui who's crying after his older brother went to jail for 20 years for killing his parents.

Mizuki: I've seen that headline. That's really sad.

Kai: I'll be sure to call Rui after the fireworks show.

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