Six Gravity (ft. Wakaba Yuki)

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All (except Aoi): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Satsuki. Happy birthday to you!

Aoi: Thanks everyone! I bet everyone in my fandom would celebrate my birthday to the fullest!

Wakaba: I also noticed Tsukiko and Kasumi are joining the party. But I'm singing my song to you.

Aoi: Am I dancing with you for the song?

Wakaba: Of course Aoi. You can do the same for my birthday too.

Arata: The May representative's producer has very great songs to dance to. It has a very nice beat.

Koi: It's also very jazzy.

Arata: Shut up Pink Head!

Hajime: Stop fighting you two!

Aoi: You're absolutely right Kisaragi. All of our producer's songs are very jazzy.

Arata: Me and Togawa are also looking forward to the performance.

Wakaba: You and Chisa are dancing with us.

Arata: Oh right. Thanks for reminding me....

Aoi: It'll be fun Uduki. Promise me.

Arata: I will do everything for my best friend even though today is his birthday.

Aoi: That's the spirit!

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