Six Gravity

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Haru: Wow! You did a good job decorating my room for my birthday on Saturday.

Hajime: Anything for the squire of Six Gravity.

Kakeru: Celebrating Yayoi's birthday will be awesome! I wonder if Kasumi and Tsukiko are coming?

Hajime: Shiwasu, Kasumi is gone with Tsukiko for her world tour. So they can't make it to the party.

Koi: Maybe Shiwasu and I can do a comedy show for the guests. We've been practicing all-

Kakeru: Maybe I can wear Tsukiko's cosplay of Louis Kisaragi and sing I Know Shangri-La!

Koi: That's a great idea. I bet that's better than our comedy show.

Kakeru: But I can sing the song in my normal voice.

Haru: We can use our agency's skating rink for the performance and use the party room in there.

Kakeru: Plus I know how to sing and skate at the same time. Mutsuki will film it and send it to Tsukiko.

Koi: I remembered Shiwasu singing while skating around the rink and did a salchow before the chorus.

(Kakeru: Shiny night toka ii te kankeinai utagoe todoku you ni yume kanau you ni.....)

Haru: He did a good job during that short program he did for his song.

Kakeru: Minaduki saw it too. He even sang along with Uduki while watching it.

Arata: But I fell asleep on his shoulder.

Kakeru: Everybody likes sleeping on Minaduki's shoulder. Kasumi did that when she was with him for Yuno's solo concert.

(ensoku mo gakugeikai mo zenbu zenbu ame datta....)

Koi: That song from Ms. Terase was great. My sister and I heard on the way back to the dormitory after a lunch break.

Hajime: Let's hope Yayoi's birthday will be the best even though we forgot Hina's birthday.

Haru: Mutsuki!

Hajime: Sorry.

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