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Masato: Making a birthday cake for our mentor? That's a great idea.

Luna: Reiji wanted the cake to be a chocolate cake with a dark red buttercream.

Ren: Shinomi knows how to make the buttercream.

Luna: I know that Natsuki knows how to make the buttercream. But the cake not so much.

Masato: We asked Ittoki about making a cake with us but he's busy with Kotobuki-senpai.

Luna: What about Syo?

Masato: Kurusu is with Mikaze-senpai.

Luna: That means Natsuki is helping us then.

Masato: Well, he's busy getting ready so we'll wait for him.

Ren: I hope Shinomi doesn't take long.

Natsuki: Piyo, Piyo, Piyo-chan.

Masato: Yay! Shinomiya is here!

Natsuki: Otoya-kun is also coming too. Masato-kun and Ren-kun will make the cake, I'll make the buttercream, Seko-chan and Otoya-kun will make guitars out of fondant.

Ren: So we will wait for Ikki right?

Natsuki: Of course.

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