Syo Kurusu

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Syo: And... Safe! Phew, that was a close one, huh? The paper-thin crepe batter makes it tricky to cook. I've practiced tons, but I'm still trying to get the hang of it.

Syo: We've been asked to help promote the grand opening of this new shopping mall. I've gotta spread the word and get people talkin'!

Syo: Camus made up his own original crepe, so I did too! Since his was sweet, I wanted to make mine more of a savory flavor.

Syo: Crepes actually make perfect meals by themselves. I've totally changed my mind about them!

Syo: We'll be making them all day, so make sure you stop by our shop at some point!

Syo: One chicken and cabbage kebab-style crepe drizzled in Worcestershire sauce coming up! I reckon I did a pretty good job with that one.

Syo: I'm excited to sell my own creation! I bet lots of people will buy Camus' and my crepes together.

Syo: You know how people wanna have something salty after eating something sweet and vice versa? It's really true!

Syo: Oh, you're back? Thank you! What'll it be? ...One of my crepes? You got it! Just a sec.

Syo: Here you are! Since you're such a great customer, I added some extra chicken just for you. Come back anytime!

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