Haru Yayoi and Hina Momosaki

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Hina: Your birthday was a blast! I'm sorry Hajime singing you Happy Birthday to a death metal song really scared you.

Haru: It really scared me. But he's still my partner regarding the birthday song he did for me.

Haru: Hina, Why the heck are you watch the recording of the birthday song?

Hina: I wanted to send it to Yuki.

Haru: What about your partner?

Hina: If I send that to Kurisu, It'll scare her.

Haru: So you want to send the birthday song to Yuki?

Hina: Yuki likes listening to death metal music but Kurisu is more of a J-Pop music lover.

Haru: I think Yuki would enjoy it and use it for her and Mutsuki's birthdays.

Hina: Well, I was the one who filmed it.

Haru: I hope Yuki likes it.

Hina: Me too.

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