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Haruka: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Luna. Happy birthday to you!

Luna: Thanks Nanami! I never knew your old roommate has the same birthdate as me.

Haruka: Otoya and the rest of Starish are next door for the party.

Luna: Are you coming as well?

Haruka: I have homework from Tsukimiya-sensei that I have to finish.

Otoya: Happy birthday Luna!

Luna: Thanks Otoya.

Tokiya: Otoya has been anticipating for your birthday for so long.

Natsuki: I never knew you have the same birthdate as one of the alumni of Saotome Academy.

Syo: One of the alumni in Saotome Academy is Tomochika Shibuya who became a composer for a music company.

Ren: I guess her being an idol wasn't her thing.

Masato: Saotome Academy can also train composers not just idols like you and me Jinguji.

Cecil: I've heard Camus singing a song that Shibuya-san wrote. She's really immaculate when it comes to composing.

Otoya: Is Camus-senpai still on his world tour?

Cecil: He's still is. But Reiji-senpai subbed for me when he was gone.

Tokiya: Kotobuki-san loves reading manga books.

Luna: He has been talking about the book he was reading when he FaceTimed me last night.

Masato: Kurosaki-san brought the cake before you came so let us sing happy birthday to you.

All (except Luna): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Luna! Happy birthday to you!

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