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All (except Kai): Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Fuduki. Happy birthday to you!

Kai: Thanks everyone! Where's the presents?

Shun: They're at your bedroom. The first one is from me.

Kai: I bet Diablo is possessing that present.

Shun: He is. He has been thinking about possessing my present to you ever since yesterday.

Diablo: Happy birthday Fuduki-sama. Be sure to open me in your earliest convenience.

Rui: I bet he didn't possess the rest of the presents.

Shun: Nope. Only the present I'm giving to my precious friend and partner.

Diablo: It looks Shimotsuki-sama gave you bikinis!

Kai: Really?

Diablo: I'm only kidding. He has been getting you a gift card for the Tsukino Dairy Bar and some clothes from your loving fans.

Kai: So no bikinis?

Diablo: Not really.

Shun: You'll have to get used to Diablo. He's going to our house-pet.

Rui: I bet he's not going to possess my posters in my bedroom isn't he?

Shun: He does.

Rui: Ahhhhhhh!

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