Fluna (ft. Tsubaki Tendouin)

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Yuki: So you got me a Joji cosplay, I hope it's not expensive.

Tsubaki: It's not expensive. I found it from a online cosplay store that I always shop for Tsukiko's cosplays.

Yuki: Is that how you got the Louis Kisaragi cosplay from that online store?

Tsubaki: Yep. All her cosplays come from the same online store. Me or Kasumi buys all her cosplays.

Yuki: So she's a cosplayer?

Tsubaki: Of course. An idol like her can also do cosplays. Mr. Tsukino is a fan of her despite being his cousin.

Yuki: Of course. He even has a shrine dedicated to her.

Ai: Guess what me and Big Brother got for the guests for your birthday party this weekend.

Yuki: Is it the same candy from Hajime's birthday party the past week?

Ai: That and some peanut butter cups. Do you like how I drew the crest of your fanclub on the back of the peanut butter cup wrappers?

Yuki: You did a good job Ai.

Ai: I've tried so hard to get the crest right. I've followed the tutorial to draw on it from my brother's tablet.

Chisa: I'm also looking to your birthday next month.

Ai: It's also my brother's birthday.

Chisa: I didn't notice you and Koi have the same birthday.

Ai: That's because Big Brother and I are twins. Fraternal twins to be exact.

Yuki: I bet you and Wakaba went to store to buy the presents for the birthday party this weekend.

Chisa: Of course. After we shopped, We had lunch and then Wakaba had a terrible stomachache and threw up on the bus.

Yuki: I bet the bus ride back to here was very nauseous.

Chisa: It was very nauseous but it didn't affect me.

Hina: I guess Wakaba is not going to eat the steak that I prepared for lunch cause she can't handle solid food after she threw up on the way home.

Kurisu: Yuki's birthday banner is done!

Hina: Wow! That's looks beautiful Kurisu!

Kurisu: I had to put Yuki's fanclub crest on each side. I had to follow the picture of it that Kakeru sent to me.

Hina: Yuki would love it!

Kurisu: That's strange. Where's Tsubaki?

Yuki: She had to go back to the Seleas dormitory.

Kurisu: If she'd stayed here, I would see how I made the birthday banner for your birthday party this weekend.

Yuki: That's looks nice. I like how to drew me in a manga style.

Kurisu: Also you in chibi form.

Yuki: That's very good. I hope Hajime likes it too.

Kurisu: He always loved my birthday banners. I made a banner for him before his birthdate.

Hina: Everyone! Lunch is ready!

Yuki: Did you make some ramen for Wakaba?

Hina: I did.

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