Six Gravity (ft. Ai Kisaragi)

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Tsukiko: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Koi and Ai! Happy birthday to you!

Koi: Thanks Tsukiko. We appreciated the birthday song.

Ai: And I appreciated the chocolates that Kasumi got for us!

Hajime: It looks like Kisaragi is going to have a good time with his twin sister.

Haru: I know right? I never knew his sister was the visual of Fluna.

Kakeru: Uh Mutsuki?

Hajime: What is it Shiwasu?

Kakeru: Can I stay with Kisaragi? I see that Yuki is hanging with his sister as well.

Hajime: Okay. But after Tsukiko's performance as the refreshing pop star, Come back to the dormitory.

Kakeru: Okay.

Tsukiko: Um, Hajime? Kakeru can stay for my midnight performance.

Hajime: That's fine.

Haru: Can I sleep in his room?

Hajime: No!

Koi: You can sleep in my bedroom Yayoi. Me and my sister will be there all night.

Ai: Or you can sleep in Fluna's dormitory, Hina is the only one in there.

Haru: I get to sleep with Hina.....Score!

Hajime: Be sure to come back for the after party tomorrow.

Haru: Will do!

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