Chapter 16: Minato, Romio, Somali and the Pageant

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Minato's POV.'s early August now and it's almost time for the summer break and everyone is excited for the summer break.

So right now, I'm heading inside the chapel with Romio because Persia asked us to help her with something.

We entered the chapel and waited for Persia to arrive. Until a few minutes later, she arrived.

Romio: Hey, why the sudden call for help?

Minato: Is there something wrong?

Persia: You two, quickly hide, now!

Me and Romio hid under the pews and then the door opened or more like destroyed by none other than, Somali.

Somali: Persia-samaaaaaaa! Where are yoooooooouuuuuuuuuuu!

Minato & Romio: Somali!?

Persia: She's getting quite troublesome.

Then Somali spotted Persia and she grabs her with monstrous strength.

Somali: I've got!

Persia: Nooooooooo!

Then Somali starts to hug Persia or more like crush her.

Somali: Is there anything troubling you Persia-sama? Somali will help you!

Persia: Thanks- *cough*

Somali: I'm in the Persia Faction now! So it's natural!

Me and Romio are having the same thought process right now.

What happened between Aby and Somali?

Then while Somali was distracted "repairing" the door, me and Romio asked Persia what the hell happened.

Persia: Three days ago, when the elementary kids saw someone who is crying non-stop. So when they saw me, they asked me for help.

Persia: And it turns out to be Somali.

Romio: Is she a kid or something!?

Persia: And after that day, she said that, "I'm in the Persia Faction." I don't remember creating a faction though.

Minato: So, you called me and Romio for help, because of this.

Persia: I'm sorry to bother both of you. Especially you Raiden.

Minato: Huh, why?

Persia: Supposedly, Char wants to invite you for a date around the school but, yeah.

Minato: It's okay. She'll understand.

Minato: So about, what happened between her and Aby.......

Persia: She didn't say anything. She even tries to avoid the conversation whenever I'm asking her. Also, that girl is too powerful.

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