Chapter 22: Study sessions and the Midterm exams

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Minato's POV.

It's the beginning of a new day. As me and Romio (Who is seriously reading the textbook. He's also been studying since last night) are walking towards the classroom, we met Hasuki along the way and she had this reaction.

Hasuki: I-Inuzuka is..............

Hasuki: STUDYING!?

Minato: You wouldn't believe me so there you go, Romio is studying.

Hasuki: Inuzuka, did you finally removed the curse?

Romio: I'm not cursed! Also, what makes you say that!?

Minato: Well, one of the qualifications of a prefect is to have good grades y'know.

Hasuki: I see. Prefect!? Inuzuka!? I didn't know that!

Romio: Well, it's not just me. Minato also aims to become one.

Hasuki: Eh!? Even Raiden!?

Minato: Yep. Well, being a prefect will be my training ground when I will officially take on my duties at the Imperial Palace.

Hasuki: Eh? You mean those paperworks you've been working on.........isn't already part of your work?

Minato: Hmmmm, you could say that. But the prefects are considered as the leaders of the student body?

Minato: So, how could the future 117th Emperor of Touwa would lead his nation if he can't even lead his fellow students?

Hasuki: You know, you're the one who lead the black dogs to victory in the sports festival. We already saw that you're already fit to lead us. I was even wondering, if you just studied on Dahlia Academy since elementary, you could've become our leader.

Minato: Unfortunately, I'm still afraid of the outside world during that time. I guess Romio would still be the best choice in acting as the leader of the 1st year black dogs.

Romio: Anyways Minato, you know this problem?

Minato: Let me see?

Romio shows me the textbook and it's a math problem. The formulas, huh? This will take a while for someone like Romio.

Minato: I see.........then why don't we hang out in the library after class.

Hasuki: Oh, a perfect idea!

Romio: Really!?

Minato: Also, in the subjects you're weak at, I'll help you understand it in a way that even a grade schooler can even grasp it!

Romio: Are you saying that my intelligence is that of a level of a grade schooler!?

Minato: No, no, no. That's not what I meant. What I mean is, I'll give you some notes that can easily be understood. Because seriously, not all details are necessary.

Hasuki: No wonder why Raiden surpassed Hasuki and Persia.

Hasuki: Then, Hasuki and Raiden will help Inuzuka for the midterm exams!

Then during the lunch break, Romio and Persia met at the chapel, they are inside the confessional. But I can still hear them.

Persia: Eeeeeh!? You're studying!? Wait, Raiden am I seeing things or not!? Also, did Inuzuka ate something!?

Minato: This is reality also, yeah. Romio is studying. No more, no less. He's been studying like crazy since last night.

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