Chapter 57: The Student Election Assembly (Part 1)

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Minato's POV. One week before the Prefect Elections.

Today, we're having a briefing by the two Head Prefects.

Airu: Only one week remains until the voting. This afternoon, a school assembly will be held at the great auditorium.

Airu: This is where the candidates to make their campaign speeches and announcing their pledges. You are to elaborate on what you want to achieve as prefects.

Airu: Keep in mind that your pledges will have direct consequences on the election results. Prepare accordingly.

Airu: If you wish to be at the top of this academy, then prove the worth of your pride and ambitions in front of the student body!

And with a resounding answer, we all said.

Servants: YES, SIR!

But Head Prefect still as comedic as ever.

Cait: Pwaaah! This is waaaaay to suffocating! Your way of briefing is so intense I can't even breath!

Airu: HUH?

Minato: Yeah, I have to agree with Head Prefect Cait there. It's WAY to suffocating!

Cait: Ambition? Pride? You won't move the hearts of everyone with those.

Cait: You need to show how you really care for the students and in this academy. Just like the certain Emperor who only wanted peace and prosperity for his people.

Minato: He's talking about grandpa.

Cait: Also in the end, the winner is the one who will be able to see through and appeal to the desire of the masses.

Cait: I'm looking forward to hearing some interesting speeches. Especially......

He looked at me with great expectation.

Cait: To the one who will try to succeed, the highest position among the Prefects.

Minato: *gulp*

Head Prefect Airu then got angry at Head Prefect Cait for ruining the serious mood he set up, while Cait was just fooling around.

Honestly, I will take that as a breather. I mean, grandpa and not even dad ever talked to me like that whenever they are teaching me on my duties as the prince.

My thoughts were cut off when I heard the banters of my fellow candidates.

Aby: I don't need the prefects to remind me at this point. My pledge has always been the same ever since I decided to run as a prefect.

He then taunts at Romio.

Aby: Only a fool would step on the podium without having given it any thought. Right, Inuzuka Romio-kun, Raiden Minato-kun?

Romio: You got that right. I'll show you how it's done.

Minato: .......

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