Chapter 45: The Declaration of War

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Minato's POV.

Minato: What's taking them so long?

Kochou: They aren't here yet?

Minato: I guess Leon and Hasuki still waited for Inuzuka.

Cybelle: *sigh*

Cybelle: To think that idiot slept at a time like this. Did he forget what today is?

Minato: By the way, Teria. You told me and Romio that all servants had to attend the Prefect's General Meeting right?

Teria: Yes. This time, the meeting will be important as it will feature the Prefect Elections this year.

Minato: Oh, I see. By the way Kochou, you chose Hasuki as your servant right?

Kochou: Yep.

Minato: I'm surprised that she decided to be a prefect so suddenly.

Kochou: Well, I can't let Teria and A-chan be the only onea here with servants.

Minato: I see.

Kochou: By the way Minato-kun, since you've been working at documents before, can you help us sort this out?

Minato: Sure. Let's see it.

I helped the other prefects in dealing with some documents, even the other white cat prefects.

Cait: Oh, Minato-kun! Can you help me with this one?

Minato: Hm? Let me see.

He gave me the document and........I pointed out the flaws and the other jargons in it.

Minato: Head Prefect Cait, you need to take your work seriously. There are a lot of errors here and even jargons! This wouldn't be accepted as a proper document!

Cait: Eh!? But-

Minato: If you will submit this kind of document at the Imperial Palace, they will crumple this and throw it back to your face.

Cait: That's so cruel!

Cybelle: He's right, Cait. You need to take this work seriously.

Cait-senpai slumped his head as if all hope was lost. Then Persia came to me handing a copy of the printouts.

Persia: Here are the copy of the printouts.

Minato: Thanks.

I took the printouts and read them.

Minato: Okay. No major issues. All grammars correct. Format is correct. These are good.

Then the meeting is about to start now as the prefects already seated on their chairs. The white cat servants are already in formation and I'm the only black dog servant who is still present.

Minato: Just where the heck are those three!

Then I heard someone opening the door and it was Romio, Hasuki and Leon entering the conference room.

Minato: Good grief.

Romio: Phew, we just made it.

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