Chapter 29: The School Festival Chronicles (Part 2)

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Minato's POV.

After that chaotic line of people, we finally took a break.

Committee Member (Black Dog): Good work everyone.

Committee Member (White Cat): Alright! Finally!

Minato: Whew! Man, that was tough.

Committee Member (Black Dog): We're just glad that Minato-sama is here or else we would've collapsed here.

Committee Member (White Cat): As much as I hate to say this but yeah, I agree that the prince is here.

Minato: So, I guess we should take a break, man all of this work is making me hungry.

We all agreed and we went on our separate ways on our break. We decided to come back here after two hours.

Just as I was about to walk to the canteen, Char came to me and she hands me a drink.

Minato: Char.......

Char: Thanks for the hardwork.

Seeing her smile, is enough to make me feel better again. She lead me into the garden and we sat down on one of the benches. I guess this is also the perfect time to explain what happened in the past few days.

Minato: Char, let me explain........

Char: It's okay, I know. Per told me everything. You've been working so hard, I also heard that you also became a member of the committee.

Minato: More like I was dragged by Romio and Hasuki just for the sake of completing the members for the black dogs.

Char: Looks're going to be busy again.........I was hoping to........

Minato: I know..........and I'm sorry for what happened.

But instead of getting angry, Char just lay her head on my shoulder.

Char: Don't worry, there will always be time where the two of us can spend time together.

Char: I guess that was also the opportunity for me to see what kind of person you are.

Minato: What do you mean?

Char: When I saw you going out of the main building, I secretly followed you and hid myself. When you arrived at the headquaters of the committee, you immediately read upon the situation.

Char: I can already feel that a conflict would arise but then, you stepped in and found a solution to the problem.

Char: You discern things that no other person would ever think of. You can already see the conflict and you will always go for the very best solution.

Char: Fufu, as expected from the Crown Prince of the Touwa.

I smiled at her compliments.

Minato: Oh, thanks.

Char: I also saw you how you interact not just with the black dogs but with the other white cats. I even hears the other white cats talking about you.

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