Chapter 19: Just an Ordinary Day

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A/N: I'm sorry if I can't put the pictures from the manga. The quality download is just so bad and some of the panels aren't really fit the scenes I have in mind.

A/N: Also, I'll be posting some original chapters, especially Minato's daily life in the academy. Anyways, enjoy reading.

Minato's POV.

The summer vacation is over and the second term begins today.

But it seems like everything is quiet. Too quiet in fact. Did something happened?

Hmmm, strange. Is it because its still morning? But whatever the cause of this eerily silence, all the better.

After all, this is quite rare at the academy. A peaceful morning............or so I thought.

Just as I thought how peaceful the morning would be, as if I was brought back to my first day here in Dahlia Academy.

Minato: For the love of anything that is good, could this morning go any worse!?

As usual, the black dogs and the white cats are having another stand off.

Romio: Get out of our sight. We can't enter the classroom.

Romio: You spoiled rich princess from the west.

Persia: You're the one who needs to disappear from this world, you filthy Touwan peasant.

Minato: Ugh, here we go again with the insults and the brawls. Nevermind, I'm not going to stop Romio and Persia this time.

Minato: I'll just go ahead inside the classroom.

I passed by in the middle of the two factions and they all just looked at me.

Until I stopped in between Romio and Persia.

Minato: What's with the faces? As if you guys saw a ghost in broad daylight.

Romio:'re not going to interfere or something?

Minato: *sigh*

Minato: It's not always like that Romio. Don't always expect me to save your butt whenever you are in trouble.

Minato: Also, to everyone here, can you please just clear this area. You guys are just going to disturb the students here who wants to study.

Minato: *sigh*

Minato: Why don't you guys just get along already.

I walked out leaving everyone baffled.

I just entered the classroom and took my seat.

Then, a few moments later. They eventually settled down when they heard the bell.

This is the usual day in Dahlia Academy.

Professor: As we all know it, 80 years ago, two countries claimed ownership between Dahlia Island. Because of this, an all out war between the West and Touwa broke out.

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