Chapter 60: Romio, Minato and the Dark Secret (Part 2)

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Leon's POV.

I am currently on my room right now, venting out my anger. I slammed the desk as a bottle labelled "Black Dye" just came rolling to my study table.

Leon: Inuzuka and Raiden!!!!

Leon: You two wanted to end this feud!? Don't be delusional! Raiden, don't you ever talk to me about fulfilling your grandfather's dream!

Leon: Pursuing such ideals and dreams won't guarantee a happy ending. You two don't simply understand anything.

Leon: Inuzuka you fool. Raiden, you're ignorance about the world will lead you to see your grandfather's dream shatter.

Leon: I don't care Raiden, if I have to mercilessly shatter your dream apart just so I could reach my goal then so be it.

Leon: The Raiden Family..........those bastards..........I would never forgive them I thought they wanted peace and friendship.

Leon: Big words from the very family who caused my family to be torn apart. After I reached my goal here in this academy, I swear, the Raiden Family will go down! I will exact my vengeance upon you............




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Meanwhile. Minato's POV.

Minato: a mixed blood of Touwan and Westian.....? A half-Touwan and half-Westian.

Makoto: So, Leon is the daughter of Inugami Shiroe and Vermie Inugami.

(A/N: I will name Leon's father in this fanfic.)

Makoto: Kai, let me ask you something.

Kai: Y-yes.

Makoto: Are familiar with this symbol?

Dad shows them the symbol of the Raiden Clan.

Kai: Yes. Someone who is dressed like that came to us, but that person is a hooded one.

Minato: A hooded one?

Makoto: I knew it. So they are the ones who are behind it. To think that I didn't know what happened. Kai-kun, please, tell us everything you know.

Kai: Alright. Let's begin with our nee-chan and our foster mother.

Leon's flashback.

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