Chapter 25: Minato and the School Camp (Part 2)

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A/N: This is going to be a short chapter.


Minato's POV.

Minato: So that's what happened.

Romio: Yeah........and I don't know how in the world will I stop those two.

Minato: *sigh*

Minato: Well, you need some help?

Romio: That would be much appreciated but, yeah I don't even know how will I stop them.

Long story short, when Romio was waiting at the boat house for Persia, Hasuki who was drunk at that time ranted at Romio because of Persia.

And then when Persia entered, they started bickering and that is when both me and Char saw Persia's declaration of war.

And so it leads us today, the 2nd day of the camp. The conditions of their fight is, whoever loses at the race, they will never approach Romio, ever again.

Man, that's harsh. Your bestfriend and your girlfriend fighting just because of you.

Minato: You're becoming more and more popular with the girls eh?

Romio: Shut up! Also, that's my line! You already rejected a dozen of female students y'know.

Minato: Urk! Well, can't deny that. But I can't tell them that I already have a girlfriend, but not just any ordinary girlfriend.

Romio: Yeah, I know what you feel. We're both going through the same thing after all.

Minato: Yeah.

Minato: So the second day of our orienteering climb the summit of Mt. Dahlia.

I pointed at the summit.

Romio: Yeah.

Minato: I heard from the Dorm Heads that the flags of both houses are at the summit and whoever plants the flag first is the winner.

Romio: Yeah.

Minato: This is orienteering but looks like the White Cats are so fired up.

I pointed at the White Cats who was hyped up by the Headmistress.

White Cats: YEAAAAAAH!

Minato: So, Romio do you already have a plan in mind?

Romio: I've been racking my brain for ideas.

Minato: Hmmmmm, well I guess I need to do something. Well, I guess its also a good opportunity for me.

Romio: Huh? What are you saying?

I wear my wristbands and did some stretching.

Minato: This is going to be a battle of speed and it's a free for all. I wouldn't let the name of the Raiden Family be tarnised by losing here.

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