Chapter 49: The Final Exams

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Minato's POV. 3 days before the exam.

So......we only have three days before the Finals and everyone is studying hard. Including Romio, he told me to lock the room so that he could study.

Me on the other hand, just walked around the study hall and saw Hasuki, Teria and Kochou.

Kochou: Oh. Thermochemistry equations.

Minato: Oh, that formula in chemistry huh? Somehow I kinda get it. I guess I could also get some tips from Kochou since she is a pharmacy expert.

I approached their table and greeted them.

Minato: Yo!

Hasuki: Oh! Raiden!

Kochou: Oh, hello Minato-kun.

Teria: Hello.

Hasuki: What brings you here?

Minato: Well, I heard that you are asking Kochou about the topic that is part of the final exams.

Minato: So, I also wanted to ask some tips from Kochou regarding the subject.

Kochou: Wait, the top 1 of the First Years? Well, what do you need help with?

Minato: Well, here.....

I pointed at a certain problem and Kochou answered it correctly, and I finally got it.

Minato: Thanks Kochou!

Kochou: You're welcome. By the way, me and Teria are kinda weak at history and literary subjects, we could use your help here.

Minato: Hm? Let me see.

I read it and it's about the story of the Epic of Gilgamesh, specifically the Bull of Heaven.

Minato: The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bull of Heaven.

Minato: The Bull of Heaven appeared after King Gilgamesh rejected Ishtar's love for him. Enraged by this, Ishtar being the spoiled brat that she is, asked her father, Anu to give her the Bull of Heaven and plagued Uruk with 7 years of famine.

Hasuki: That's too harsh.

Minato: Then, Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu, decided to kill the bull to end the famine that has plagued Uruk.

Minato: Enkidu and Ishtar, being archenemies in the legend, Enkidu throws the right thigh of the bull at Ishtar as a warning not to mess Uruk again. But, the gods then condemned Enkidu to death, an event that Gilgamesh's fear of death began to uproot.

Minato: That's how it goes.

Kochou: I see. Thanks we just couldn't really get that part well.

Minato: Happy to help.

Teria: The Black Dogs First Years are doing the study camp again right?

Hasuki: Yep! Fortunately, we have a special guest!

Teria: Special guest?

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