Chapter 20: Among the flowers

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Romio and Minato's room, 5am. Minato's POV.

I slowly opened my eyes from my deep slumber.

Minato: ................

Minato: Romio, you awake?

Romio: Zzzzzzzzzz..........

Minato: Still asleep, huh.

I slowly get out from the bed and did some stretching.

Minato: Okay, I'll take a quick bath, change to my uniform and head out to the hill as soon as possible.

A few minutes later, I finished my quick bath, already changed to my school uniform, grabbed a novel, brought some snacks, printed a map of Dahlia Island and yep, I'm ready to go.

I took a quick look at Romio still fast asleep.

Minato: *sigh*

Minato: Looks like this idiot is going to oversleep and forgot about his date with Persia.

I quickly left the room and went on my way.

Flower Hill, Dahlia Island, 5:35 am. Minato's POV.

I reached the hill and I managed to sneak past the guards.

Now that you look at the view, it's truly a sight to behold.

As I look at the horizon, I can already see the sky changing it's color to orange. This is it, dawn is here.

I sat down at the field, grabbed my phone and took a picture of the majestic sunrise among the blooming flowers.

Minato: "Dawn's light is coming,
                 The flowers began blooming,
                 For dawn is fleeting. "

???: Since when did you became so poetic?

I turned around to see who is it just to reveal it was just Char.

Minato: Char? What are you doing here? I thought you're weak with mornings.

Char sits down on the field beside me.

Char: Yeah, you're right but, when I suddenly woke up, I just happened to see you leaving your dorm so early. I saw you through the window and I was thinking where are you going.

Char: So I secretly followed you and I just found out that you'll be here early in the morning.

Minato: I see........well, I was planning on spending some alone time, looking at these beautiful flowers but, I guess it's still better that you're here.

Then Char puffs her cheeks.

Char: Oh, so you don't want me to be here? Hmph!

I know she's just teasing me. So I pinched her cheeks as retaliation.

Char: H-hey, stop that!

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