Chapter 52: Minato and Dahlia Town

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Minato's POV.

Me, Romio and Persia gathered us.......under the bridge. Aoi also tagged along. Well, me and Romio first explained Romio and Persia's relationship but, Aoi was cool with it as we are relieved.

Well, Aoi is also one of the people who didn't really care about the dispute of the two countries. The thing is, Aoi still doesn't know my relationship with Char and I will need some time to tell her everything about it.

For now, let's focus on a matter at hand.

Persia: I wanted your advices about Ameria Curl.

Romio: Ameria mean?

Minato: The Leader of the White Cats' First Year?

Persia: Yes. That's her.

Aoi: It's been a week since the freshmen arrived. Did something happened between the two of you?

Persia: Well............

Persia saw Ameria listening to music with her headphones on. Well, Persia tried to persuade her to follow the rules but Ameria didn't.

So Persia tried to bring Ameria to the chapel to listen some hymns but, she didn't like it and ran off from Persia.

Aoi: I that's how it goes.

Romio crosses his arms with an angry pissed off attitude written on his face.

Romio: That cheeky attitude! I won't forgive her! Although hymns are not my thing but still, I won't forgive her!

Persia: Huh!? Even you Inuzuka!?

Romio: Also, you're personalities are polar opposites. I mean, a gyaru and a noble?

Persia: Well, it's true since I'm a count's daughter.

Minato: Um, what's a gyaru?

Romio: You don't know what a gyaru is?

Aoi: A Gyaru are teenagers who basically don't care about the rules and just living in the modern world.

Minato: So in other words, "Brats"?

Aoi: That's not it! You dummy!

Aoi: Let's say, they are......hmmmm, I forgot the other term for gyaru. But let's say, these are the people who always wear flashy clothes and have flashy appearances.

Persia: You really know a lot about gyarus huh?

Aoi: I am a former gyaru after all.

Romio: A what!?

Aoi then did a cute pose with both her hands on peace sign.

Aoi: Urepiyo!

Romio: Yep. Definitely a gyaru. But how the hell did you turn into a modest lady? I did you even managed to befriend this guy?

He points his thumb to me.

Minato: Well, Aoi already went through, let's say........rebellious phase.

Persia: Wow. Raiden, is it just me or somehow......the people around you are kinda eccentric.

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