Chapter 26: Minato and the Ministers.

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Minato's POV. Flashback, two days after the school camp.

It's been two days since the school camp ended and yeah, we're back to the usual school life and I'm back with the usual paperworks.

The strange thing is, the papers aren't so many as usual. Well, I guess this is also nice considering it's rare for me to have such a light workload.

Just as I was about to begin........Romio entered our room.

Romio: Yo, Minato you still fine in doing those paperworks?

Minato: Well, there aren't many papers today so, yeah it's fine.

Romio: Anyways, here.

He gave me a sealed white envelop.

Minato: What's this?

Romio: I don't know but the mailman said that letter is for you. I had my doubts about this but when I saw your family crest on the seal.......

I examined the seal and it bears our family crest.

Romio: .......guess it might be something important.

Minato: ...........

I took a pocket knife and opened the sealed enveloped. Then I picked up another paper inside it and it turns out to be a letter.

Romio: A letter? From His Majesty?

I read the letter and I was shocked by it's contents. I didn't expect this!

Minato: Are they serious about this!?

Romio: Hm? What's the matter?

Minato: The Prime Ministers of both Touwa and the West are both coming here in Dahlia Academy.


Minato: Looks like they'll be visiting Dahlia Academy for an inspection. Maybe I should tell the prefects about this. After all, the visitors are the Prime Ministers of both countries.

Flashback End.


Minato's POV. A week later. The day of the visit.

Minato: Oi, Romioooo! Kochou and Teria are already looking for us y'know.

Then Romio came out from the bathroom.

Romio: What's with the ruckus Minato?

Minato: I told you that the prefects are looking for us.

Then just as me and Romio are about to head into the main hall, Kochou and Teria came from above and landed on Romio's shoulders.

Kochou: Gotcha Romio-kun!

Teria: G-gotcha!

Then they also noticed me.

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