Chapter 30: The School Festival Chronicles (Part 3) - Day 1 of the Festival

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Minato's POV.

Well, today is the first day of the school festival and boy..........Cybelle-senpai is not joking when she said that the guests will be around thousands. Not to mention, from both Touwa and the West.

In the opening event, some members of the committee are in charge in the distribution of the tickets while the others are in the crowd control.

Minato: All the available members of the committee, please assist in the accommodation of the guests. The others please increase the manpower in distribution and checking of the tickets, also increase the man power in controlling the flow of the crowd.

Minato: Make sure no one will overtake the line and make them stay in four rows.

Committee member (Black Dog): Raiden-sama, the crowd control here at the Main Gate is getting complicated now as the crowd is rapidly increasing. What should we do?

Minato: I brought up this issue to Cybelle-senpai. I suggested that the east and west gate shall be opened in order to have a better crowd control and we can let the guests enter.

Minato: I'm still waiting for the approval.........

Committee member (White Cat): Raiden-san!

Minato: Oh, you're back. So, what did Cybelle-senpai said?

Committee member (White Cat): She approved. The east and west gate shall be open for the guests.

Minato: Okay!

Minato: Everyone listen up, we will divide our manpower from here on out. The east and western gate are opened.

Minato: To our respected guests, you can go either to the west or eastern gate of the academy. There are also members of the committee who will accommodate you. We're doing this in order to maintain a stable crowd control.

Minato: Thank you for your understanding.

Fortunately, the guests listened and some of them went into the west gate, some of them went to the east.

Our situation at the main gate became to stabilize.

Hasuki: Wow..........

Romio: He reasoned them out.

Scott: To think he would just single handedly solve this problem.

Persia: Looks like, Cybelle-senpai chose the right consultant.

Scott: As much as I hate to say this but, she's right. This guy is really something else.

Then after that, Romio left to do his other job as the vice-chairperson leaving me and Hasuki behind.

Romio: Gotta go now.

Hasuki: Yeah. Goodluck.

Minato: Well, I guess I should also head out as well.

Hasuki: Eh!? Why?

Minato: I'm assigned in helping the first-years' modern cafe.

The Black Prince and the White PrincessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora