Chapter 72: Minato, Romio and Teria

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Minato's POV.

Minato: Ugh, the complaints from the sports festival..........

Minato: Looks like this is going to be the new troubles that we will encounter.

Minato: Seems like there are people from the outside world still can't accept change.

Minato: I even heard from dad that he heard some westians to never let the black dogs mix up with the white cats.

So, what did we do exactly?

Flashback. The Preparation Day of the Sports Festival. Minato's POV.

Since we're having mixed teams of white cats and black dogs, we decided to have two factions: Red Team and White Team. Well, I just got this idea in most the animes I watched and the mangas I read.

Surprisingly. Everyone went with it. But the story of the mvp is still there. Not that I mind about it anymore. Some may be even speculating that during last year's school festival, since I am the mvp, rumors spread that, I chose to dance with Char during that night, in secret.

Well, I didn't know how the hell they came into that conclusion because, that is what exactly happened. I danced with Char during the night after the sports festival, just in secret though.

Anyways, Juliet added another prize for the mvp of the festival. If the mvp will be a male, that male will have the honor to be under my tutelage to learn Raiden's swordsmanship. Not bad. For hyping the boys up.

Now, if the mvp is a female, that girl will have some kind of a date, with me. I totally objected to that proposition as Char would definitely kill me if I date another girl. Surprisingly enough, Juliet said it was Char's idea.

Minato: Say what!?

Juliet: Well, Char just gave me an idea.

Minato: Please, spare me with that idea.

Juliet: I guess Char gave that idea to me because, she you know, she wanted to prove everyone that she's yours alone.

Minato: No need to do that. Everyone already knows that fact.

Romio: Then what about your fanclub.

Minato: Fanclub? Wait, didn't you tell me-

Leon: I saw the princess buying multiple merch from the fanclub itself, I saw a body pillow, a chibi figurine, even a photo of you reading at the garden.

Minato: Wait, they took a photo of me, without even my consent?

Aby: Heh! Still not used to the popularity, Mr. Grand Prefect?

Minato: I still prefer to be lowkey but............. it seems like that's going to be difficult.

Minato: Anyways, what would happen if I became the mvp again?

Romio: We're gonna disqualify you from joining the festival.

Minato: WHAT!? WHY!?

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