Chapter 77: The School Trip - Day 1 (Part 3)

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Minato's POV. Milan City.

After we toured the Cathedral, I was invited by Romio's group and the White Cat Housemistress or should I call, Mrs. Annie Curl, to have lunch at the café here at Milan.

Romio, Juliet and Maru are sitting on a table, me on the other hand is sitting just beside the trio's table with the Mrs. Annie.

Minato: You really didn't have too, housemistress.

Annie: Oh, come on now, Minato-kun. You deserve a break.

Romio: Yeah, dude. Didn't we told you to just relax.

Juliet: That's right. So, no complaints and just relax.

Minato: Yeah, yeah. Fine.........

Annie: By the way, where have you been just before the the other Westians gang up on Romio's group?

Minato: Well, when I was on patrol, I bumped into two children.......

Juliet: Children?

I told them the encounter I had with Rico and Rita.

Annie: I see. You really have a soft spot for children. You know, it might be early to say this to you but........

Minato: What is it?

Annie: .........just marry Char already.

Minato: ..............

Romio: !?

Juliet: *gasp*

Maru: Say, what now?

Minato: May I ask but, why?

Annie: Isn't it obvious? You're good with taking care of children, you know how to cook, a responsible man, family first, caring. You know, if you're just born earlier, I wouldn't hesitate to take you as my husband.

Minato: Um...........

Romio: Ooooooohhhhhhhh!

Annie: But it's okay. I'm a married woman and I already have Ameria.

Romio: Well, yeah, Minato, why don't you marry Char already?

Minato: You know, I could also ask the same question to you man, you wanted to meet Juliet's parents, right? So, why don't you marry her after meeting her parents.

Romio: Wha!?

Then I noticed Romio and Juliet blushing at my remark while Maru retorted.

Maru: You guys really are taking that far? Isn't it that a bit much for high schoolers?

Juliet: Oh, that reminds me, Romio. You already met my mom, right?

Romio: Yeah. At the school festival.

Juliet: Also, Minato, didn't Char already met your parents?

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