Chapter 80: The School Trip - Night 1 (Part 2)

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Romio's POV.

Me and Kohitsuji successfully reached the elevator.

Kohitsuji: Damn it..........Tosa-kun......

Romio: Let's keep moving. We can't let Tosa's sacrifice go to waste. We must still go, no matter what.........

Romio: the female bath.

So......what really happened? Let's go back, one hour before all of this mess happened.


Flashback. Romio's POV. 7:00 PM.

Everyone is gathered at the banquet hall of the center as I'm giving my speech.

Romio: Okay, we managed to conclude day one without any major mishaps. Let's keep this up and enjoy the next two days as well.

I raised my glass for a toast.

Romio: Kanpai!

Juliet: Romio, everyone already began eating.

I sat down immediately on my seat in between Juliet and Maru.

Romio: Seriously, I thought that is the perfect chance to give a toast.

Maru: By the way, where's our prince? Didn't see him after you two picked up Hasuki and Aoi.

Romio: He's exhausted and he quickly went on ahead to eat dinner. He also went ahead to take a bath ahead of us all well.

Juliet: He looked really exhausted. I guess we should let him lay low for now and help him relax.

Romio: Yeah. After all, he's also doing another big responsibility here at the West.

Juliet: Big responsibility?

Romio: He told me that, he was tasked by his dad, the Emperor, in a top secret task.

Romio: *sigh*

Romio: Seriously though. First, he was invited by the King of the West at the castle, then Minato's secret task.

Juliet: Can he managed to do all that while enjoying the school trip?

Romio: But still, those two events are very important for him. After all, the secret task, it will finally close a case that their clan has been facing for years.

Romio: As for the second event, even Minato doesn't know what to expect there.

Juliet: I just hope that Minato will be fine.

Romio: I also hope as well.

Suddenly a cat jumped on to the table and started to steal my food.

Romio: Wha!? Hey! Don't steal my food you selfish cat!

Juliet: It's the center's cat. Looking for some chow little kitty?

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