Chapter 66: The Prefects

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Minato's POV. Black Dogs' Prefect Office.

Me, Romio and Hasuki are now finally doing the paperworks and arranging some of the documents.

Airu-senpai enters the room with a LOT of documents on his hands.

Airu: Romio, you have until tomorrow to look all through this documents.

Romio: EH!? But I still have work left to do......if I'll get any more, I'll

Hasuki: *sigh*

Hasuki: What are we going to do if our representative is going to complain all the time.

Minato: Oi, Romio.

Romio: Yeah?

Minato: Remember when I was still doing paperworks for the Imperial Palace?

Romio: Oh..........yeah, right.

Minato: Those paperworks are even a lot tougher than the prefect work. So.......

Minato: Stop complaining there. You managed to help me with those documents before, this situation should only be a walk in park for you.

Kochou: Yep, yep! Now, get that advice from the Grand Prefect.

Teria: But the thing is, you won't be able to get everything dome with just you and Hasuki.

Romio: Eh? Why is it only me and Hasuki. Minato is still here y'know.

Airu: Romio, Minato still have his own task as the Grand Prefect.

Romio: Oh, yeah. I totally forgot about.

Kochou: Actually, when we went inside the Student Council Room, all the piled up paperworks that me and Teria gave to him are all in a neat place now.

Airu: To think that Minato is doing paperworks for the Palace, huh........

Minato: I guess that really helped me a lot.

Minato: But back to the topic at hand........

Airu: It's almost a week, since need to conduct the special elections soon, Romio.

Romio: Yeah......

Minato: Almost a week..........

Hasuki: Is there something wrong, Raiden?

Minato: ..................


Romio: Dude, what's with the sudden screaming!?

Minato: It's on FRIDAY!

Romio: Friday? Today is Tuesday.

Minato: You dolt! You wouldn't get it!

Hasuki: How could we possibly get it if you're not going to give us a proper explanation.

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