Chapter 70: The Exhibition Match (Part 2)

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Flashback. Conference Room. Minato's POV.

After I dismissed Romio and the others, the 3rd years then took their seats as I told them of what Airu-senpai proposed earlier.

Airu: Wait, so you heard us?

Minato: I've been walking outside in order to get some fresh air and then I heard of your plan for the 2nd years.

Minato: An exhibition match against the 2nd year prefects against their predecessors. Well, now that I am also involve in this one...........

Minato: As much as possible I want to be an overseer of events.

Cybelle: Overseer?

Minato: Like I said earlier, I wanted to see something. If I didn't see it in the upcoming expedition match...........then I have no choice but to strip them off of their positions as prefects, just as I promised.

Cait:'re so strict dude. Did you somehow managed to get Princess Char's tyrant personality?

Minato: Haha. No, probably but I'm not really a tyrant or anything. I want them to find the answer to my question, on their own.

Minato: If I will always interfere, they wouldn't be able to grow on their own.

Minato: So, just as what my dad did in the past, by uniting the two houses against a common enemy, I will do the same in order for them to find that answer.

Airu: I see. So you also plan to be a villain?

Minato: Not exactly a villain. Let's say, a Anti-Hero.

Airu: Just as I told them, I want them to act as villains.

Cybelle: Act as a villain, huh? Cait, Minato, do you have any manga that features interesting villains?

Cait: Of course!

Minato: She's going to take it so seriously!

Minato: Well..... 

Kochou: Oh, I guess Minato-kun has the mangas that has interesting villains and anti-heroes.

Minato: Well, I guess I'll lend you that copy. Just give it back to me when you guys have completed your research.

Minato: Ahem. Going back on to the topic, you guys suggested the "Dahlia Wall Game." Sounds good.

Cait: Well, if you really became our enemy, we wouldn't be able to hold our ground against your speed and power.

Minato: But still, a 6 against 7.........isn't that too much of an overkill?

Airu: We actually invited one of the former prefects here in the school for that purpose.

Minato: One of the former prefects? To balance the numbers?

Cait: Yes. Well...........I guess that person will just show up depending on how will the situation of the game, changes.

Minato: I see. Then.......I guess we got to do what we need to do.

Back to the present. Exhibition Match. Minato's POV.

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