Chapter 71: The Exhibition Match (Part 3)

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Minato's POV.

Minato: Wait, the ball.................did Cait-senpai, threw it?

Romio: What do you mean?

All of us are running towards the end of the Rose Garden.

Minato: Nevermind, they must be waiting for the others to catch it from the other end of the Rose Garden.

Romio: So, what's the battle plan, Minato?

Minato: Okay, Leon, Romio, you two listen up.

Minato: Romio, I want you to stall Cait-senpai and your brother as much as you can.

Romio: That's insane! You know I can't-

Minato: Buy me some time. I fear that with me switching to your side, their seventh secret player is just hiding in the shadows, watching all of us from the very beginning.

Leon: What do you mean?

Minato: It's just a hunch, but I'm already having this feeling of uneasiness when we were at the Rose Garden.

Romio:'s rare for you to be like that. You're usually calm and collected.

Minato: Yeah. But this is what I really fear, an enemy hidden in the shadows.

Minato: For now, listen to my plan. Romio, you find a way to stall Cait-senpai and your brother.

Minato: While I'll go to the direction of where the ball is.

Romio: Okay, it seems you do have your way to locate it besides with your speed?

Minato: I can just traverse the high obstacles and parkour my way out of them.

Romio: Oh yeah right, we saw how you made the obstacle race like it was child's play, during the previous year.

Minato: As me and Romio will take the charge, the others will stall the other 3rd years. Aby and Hasuki should be enough to stop Rex-senpai. Leon, will intercept Cybelle-senpai. Juliet and Scott will stall Teria and Kochou.

Minato: Now, how does that sound?

Romio: Sounds good, it's a risk but.....

Leon:'s our only chance.

Minato: Alright, let's roll with it.

Then Romio, opens a manhole.

Minato: I see, it would be better for a surprise ambush.

Romio jumps to the manhole.

Romio: All right, I'll be going on ahead.

Minato: Looks like I also need to get going.

Minato: Leon, take charge of the others.

Leon: Me!? Take in charge!? Why!?

Minato: You're quick witted and sharp, so don't worry. You still need to work on your reflexes.

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