Chapter 43: Char and Touwa

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Minato's POV.

Minato: want to have a trip around the Capital?

Char: Yep! Although, I already saw some of the sights, I still want to see the other tourist spots here.

Minato: I see. But wouldn't your fellow western diplomats also have a trip around the Capital as well?

Me and Char are having this conversation at the Main Quarters as we are observing the foreign diplomats interacting with the Imperial Servants.

Until Dad happened to overhear our conversation.

Makoto: Well, King Westia didn't really have the luxury to have a tour in the Capitol.

Char: Emperor Makoto, good morning.

Minato: Morning, dad.

Char politely bows down.

Makoto: Good morning to you two.

Makoto: I happen to overhear your conversation about having a tour here in Touwa.

Char shyly nods.

Char: Y-yes.

Makoto: Hahahaha! I see, I see. Well, to be honest. Even Minato didn't really have the chance to see the tourist spots at the Capital.

Minato: Because, I'm a former shut in.

Makoto: Well, well. I bet before you came home, you had some little tour with your friends I believe.

Minato: Yep. Well, Shuna-chan is the one who insisted to have a tour around Kyoto for Julio and since I'm actually on my way home that time, I decided to have a little detour.

Makoto: I see.

Makoto: Actually, the second meeting of the Conference will be between the Ministers of the Cabinet. So, Char.....since you are the Grand Diplomat and since you are still the impression of studying to succeed the crown...........

Makoto: You are free for today.

Char: R-really!? But-

Makoto: It's fine. Also, the second meeting will be more about politics

Makoto: As much as Minato also wanted to join the meeting, I told this guy that he should enjoy his youth and not to be a workaholic.

Minato: Says the one who always pushes himself even though he had a fragile health.

Makoto: Ahahahahahaha! That was in the past! Now I can go all out.

Minato: But still, what did the doctor say? Don't push yourself too hard. You still need some rest.

Makoto: *sigh*

Makoto: You and your mother really are the same when it comes of taking care of others.

Minato: You, Izumi and Hoshi are the same when it comes to recklessness.

We both laughed at our antics that even Char couldn't help but laugh.

Char: Fufuhahaha!

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