Chapter 75: The School Trip - Day 1 (Part 1)

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Minato's POV. The night before the School Trip.

I am already preparing my things to pack on our school trip. Izumi and Hoshi are currently helping me pack my things.

Minato: I guess it's all done eh. Sweaters, check! T-shirts, check. The uniform, check! Underwear, check. Pajamas, check! Toothbrush, check!

Minato: Yep! Everything is all set.

Izumi: Phew! Are you sure you're okay with this nii-san?

Hoshi: Your clothes are just even enough for the 3 day school trip.

Minato: Yep.

Izumi: We envy you, nii-san. After all, you're about to visit Char nee-san's home.

Hoshi: Yeah. We also wanted to visit her home too, y'know!

Minato: Well, why don't we visit her during the winter break? After the quarterly conference. Sound good?

Izumi: But, aren't you going to be busy with your prefect work?

Minato: Hmmm. Yeah, I wonder about that? Well, let's see.

Hoshi: Tomorrow is the day where Touwan students will visit the West. I bet even dad would be proud of this achievement.

Minato: Yeah. Actually, I just found out that also planned something like this but, he didn't have enough time to plan this as the academy was kinda recovering from the removal of the academy's corrupt teachers and staff.

Izumi: Oh, right. Dad encountered that problem during his prefecthood after all. No wonder why.

Hoshi: This school trip will go down in history! That's for sure.

Minato: I love how you two are optimistic about this. But I know there we'll encounter difficulties there but still........

I got interrupted when my phone rang. I quickly grabbed it and it's from dad.

Minato: Oh! Dad, you called.

Makoto: Yep!

Izumi: Dad?

Minato: Dad, I'm going to put it on a video call.

Makoto: Okay.

I put it on a video call and we can see from the screen that dad is currently at the living room with mom watching the tv.

Hoshi: Hi, Dad!

Makoto: Hello, you three. I assume you guys are having a lot of fun.

Izumi: Yeah!

Minato: So, dad, why the sudden call.

Makoto: You told me that tomorrow is your school trip to the West, right?

Minato: Yeah.

Makoto: Since you are going on the West. I assume you know that we have a task there, right?

Minato: Oh, yeah. Leon's mom.

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