Chapter 73: Minato's Room

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Minato's POV.

It's already 7 pm and I think that Romio and Juliet aren't really done with their meeting. Well, I guess I'll just ask them for the updates of the survey at the Sports Festival that happened this year.

I walked by into office room in the middle of their conversation.

Minato: Um, sorry to interrupt you guys but, the guards told me to pick you guys up as they're going to close the place for today.

Romio: Woah! It's already 7pm!?

Juliet: We didn't even noticed the time!

Minato: Now come on, you two.

They went out of the office and while on the way, I asked them about the surveys from the event we held as prefects.

Minato: Oh, majority of the respondents agreed that having mixed teams was better.

Juliet: Not to mention, with you and Emperor Makoto commentating at the festival made it even more livelier.

Minato: Yeah, right. Because of dad's endless puns and dad jokes.

Romio: Hahahaha! But still, it's a rare sight to see the father and son interaction of the Emperor and his son.

Minato: Not to mention, there are some feedbacks that you shouldn't disqualified me at the school festival!

Juliet: Erm......

Romio: Uh, haha...........

Minato: But still, you were still defeated even without me!

Romio: Urk.

Minato: Moving on topic, I dropped by the staff office and they were incessantly receiving complaint calls. The main point, is the dispute between Touwa and the West.

Minato: Tsk. Those adults never learn, huh.

Romio: Minato?

Minato: Nevermind what I said, it's just, dealing with those type of people is enough to give me some headaches.

Juliet: Well, you, being the Grand Prefect and all. You really have the toughest job in receiving those complaints.

Romio: But, we expected something like this.

Minato: Well, things are harsher when you look at reality.

Juliet: I guess we should call it a day?

Minato: Well, all this work is making my brain that it's going to explode at any minute.

Romio: Yeah.

Juliet: Oh, by the way, Minato. Char is sulking.

Minato: Aw, man. I know what you mean. It's because of my work.

Juliet: Yeah. She told me that you've been busy at your work as of late and she's been worried sick for you.

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