Chapter 61: Calm before the Storm

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Leon's POV. At the Rec Room of the Black Dogs' Dormitory.

I am currently walking right now among the extremists of the Black Dogs who are playing pool.

Black Dog Extremist 1: Yo, Leon. Wanna play?

Leon: No thanks.

Black Dog Extremist 2: You don't look in the mood today. Is it because you lost to Inuzuka and Raiden's speeches?

Leon: That doesn't matter. What's important is the voting day.

I sat on the sofa as if I am some kind of a yakuza boss. Well, after all, I have the extremists under me.

Leon: I have to beat Inuzuka and Raiden in the votes. But......

Black Dog Extremist 1: Yeah.......we jusy can't mess with the Raiden. We wouldn't even dare mess with him or even his younger siblings. Inuzuka on the other hand.......

Leon: To think that those two are working on together. But I need to get Raiden out of the way, because if he becomes the Grand Prefect, he would reject my plan of house segregation.

Black Dog Extremist 2: Oi, oi, oi. Seriously, are we going to face the prince?

Leon: Heh. Fret not. He may be the prince but not even he, doesn't have any authority in this school. He is just an ordinary boy when he is in school.

Black Dog Extremist 2: I would still be cautious in finding dirt within him. In fact, he is always been on a low profile ever since he came here.

Leon: And that's the problem. We can still probably look for Inuzuka's weakness but as for Minato, damn it. With some of the White Cats supporting him.........

Leon: Prince Minato is like the perfect prince. If he doesn't have any weaknesses, he's probably hiding it or those weaknesses is just plain stupid.

Leon: I can still manage to find dirt on Inuzuka but as for Prince Minato, as if his Achilles' heel never existed in the first place.

Leon: Inuzuka, Raiden

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Leon: Inuzuka, Raiden...........I have these people with me who hate the White Cats just as much as I do. They're my soldiers who will be at my beck and call.

Leon: But, I just have to beat the two of them in the votes. Two birds in one stone or just in case the other bird escapes, we'll need to have atleast two.

Leon: Well then. Let's begin discussing our battle plan.

Leon: I just need to find Inuzuka's weakness. As for Minato........well if an enemy like him doesn't have any weakness, then I'll just make one, one fatal weakness.

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