First Time Cooking

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THEMES: fluff, soft Shoto, pre-relationship TodoBaku


"Cake? We're baking a cake?"

"Yes we're baking a damn cake! You got a problem with that Peppermint?!"

"No. It's just I've never baked a cake." 

"Duh, that's why we're doing it now. Also 'cuz I'm craving some fucking cake and nobody can cook like I can!"

"Okay, but please calm down."

"Urgh, fine."


It was a regular, boring Sunday morning and Bakugou and Todoroki were hanging around the kitchen. It was just after breakfast and they were talking about random things when they got onto the topic of food. Shoto said that before he came to UA he wasn't allowed in the kitchen and they had help that cooked for them; he also says that being in kitchens gave him anxiety.

"So why the hell are you in here then?"

"I can't just avoid kitchens forever. When I am older I will have to cook for myself."

"You'll just eat soba every damn day."

"True, but, I will learn simple dishes too. But soba is the most logical since I can store it for when I'm busy with hero work."

Bakugou huffed before standing up and beginning to search the cupboards. Todoroki finished off his juice as he watched the blond move around the kitchen, wondering what he was looking for.

"What's your favourite desert?" Katsuki suddenly asked, surprising Todoroki at how genuine he sounded.

"Um, I don't know. I haven't tried many. But I like cake I suppose."

"Then we'll make a damn cake. Get up."

Confused but excited, Todoroki got up and put his empty glass in the sink before rolling up the sleeves of his turtleneck. He stayed by the sink as he watched Bakugou pull out utensils and ingredients until one of the surfaces was covered in stuff.

"Get over here whilst I think of a recipe." Bakugou instructed, waving the heterochromatic over. 

"Do you know many recipes?"

"Hell yeah, but mostly cooked dishes. I don't bake often. Spice over sweet. Hey, can you fill this with water? 250ml."

Todoroki picked up what looked like a measuring cup and headed over to the sink. 

"Cold?" he asked whilst watching Bakugou mix the basics of flower, sugar, eggs and so on.


"How will I know it's warm from looking at it? Won't I have to touch it?" Shoto questioned, entirely serious.

Bakugou paused and looked over to the other male, finding him genuinely curious. He had to slap his hands over his face whilst calling him an idiot, hiding his amused smile. Sure Icyhot was smart, but sometimes he was such an idiot. A cute one. He didn't say that!

"It means between hot and cold."

"Oh, right."

Todoroki started the cold tap and was a bit hastier with the hot one, keeping a lookout for any traces of steam. He held the cup under the water and waited until it was precisely full, then he carried it carefully back over to Bakugou.

"It's only water Icyhot, not the end of the world if it goes everywhere so hurry up!"

"Accidents can happen in the kitchen Bakugou." 

Shoto Todoroki OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now