Descendants Pt.3

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Looking at his clock he saw it was time to meet up, so he turned off his lights and locked his door before going to the courtyard.

"Where are we going?" he asked as they walked towards a small town up ahead, taking note of their more casual clothes. They still dressed fancy, but it wasn't as rigid as their school clothes.

"There is a department store we'll stop at before coming back for baking. We can't be out too long because of the curfew but we still have an hour or two." Shinsou explained.

"Department store?"

"It's a giant building with multiple stores in one. Clothes, food, tech, everything in one place." said Bakugou.

"As big as the school?"


Bakugou was right, the department store was huge, far bigger than anything he had seen before. The surprise must have shown on his face because Kirishima and Denki grabbed his hands and pulled him inside, Bakugou and Shinsou following behind. They showed him where to buy clothes, where to exchange money, how to send letters and buy phones, where to buy home decor and there was a whole floor dedicated to food. Shoto picked up whatever looked good and ate it, leaving the three of them rushing to pay the vendors behind him whilst giving apologetic looks. 

Shinsou had chosen his present so they went back to the school and to the kitchens where they excitedly began making cookies. Shoto jumped up and sat on the side as he watched the four of them gather ingredients and start mixing them all together. He assumed making chocolate chip cookies was a pastime in Auradon from the happy looks on all their faces, and he felt a little left out. 

"Have you ever had chocolate chip cookies before?" Kirishima asked, gasping when Shoto said no.

"Not even when you're feeling sad, or had a bad dream."

"And they're warm from the oven with a glass of milk." 

"And your mother reads you a story whilst you eat them, the chips melted on the inside."

"And everything seems right in the world, like nothing bad can happen."

"I don't have, I..." Shoto didn't know how to answer so he looked down, hands gripping the edge of the side.

"You don't..." Shinsou began, "have a mother?"

Three pairs of eyes widened, all looking at him in shock and pity; Shoto shook his head, suddenly feeling too overwhelmed, so he jumped down off the side and walked away, slamming the door behind him. He ignored the shouts and almost ran to his dorm, locking it before he felt something wet on his cheeks. It was a tear, he was crying.

This made him furious. What was he doing get all upset over stupid things like mothers and cookies?! He didn't have time for hugs or lullabies or anything pathetic like that. He had a mission and he was going to carry it out, without fail. He grabbed his bag and rummaged in it, making sure he had all he needed before he slipped out of his window, running across the courtyard and over the fence. 

He would get All for One, he would set the villains free, and nobody could stop him...

Within fifteen minutes he reached the museum, no more traces of tears on his face. Peering through the window he saw a guard at the desk surrounded by many laptops, all with different views of the museum. He pulled out his pen and picked the lock before slipping inside to hide behind a statue. He pulled out a strawberry cream and a vial before spilling the contents over it.

It was a sleeping potion he had snuck in from the Isle, one his father gave him specifically for his task. He placed it on the desk when the security guard turned around to answer the phone, and watched as the man succumbed to his greed, eating the sweet before falling into a deep sleep. Unfortunately it wasn't powerful enough to be permanent, but it gave him the time he needed to get to the book.

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