The Lost Prince Pt.5

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"Shoto! Breakfast!"

Shoto jolted upright in his bed at the loud voice that boomed around the house. His head spun to the window to find the sun risen high into the sky; his jaw dropped for a moment before he ran out of his room and down towards the kitchen.

His father was sitting at the table looking annoyed at the lack of food. Shoto stammered his apologies before putting the kettle on the stove and putting together some fresh meats and fruits. He tried to make it look presentable but his father grumbled his disappointments under his breath as he ate. 

He spent time cleaning up the kitchen, pausing to let out a heavy sigh once his father left for work. Slumping down onto one of the chairs with a glass of water to wake himself up properly, he munched on an apple as he pushed away the sleepy morning haze around him. He had never overslept before, he was always up with the sun to do his chores. He hoped his father wouldn't think too much on it as he didn't have an excuse for sleeping in so late. 

Thankfully, the rest of the day passed by as normal. Making his mother and siblings breakfast, cleaning the house and tending to the garden. All of his regular duties. And yet, he was more distracted than normal. When collecting eggs from the farm he dropped one on the ground, the cake he put in the oven ended up burnt, and he grabbed a shovel instead of the rake as he went to collect up fallen leaves. His mind couldn't concentrate for long, his thoughts continuing to go back to last night, to the wonderful festival and the multitude of colours and foods and activities. 

And the exploding stars. They were the most beautiful things Shoto had ever seen. After having seen them ever so faintly a few years ago during a harvest festival, peeking over the garden wall on a stool to spot the orange sparks flickering and fizzling in the sky, he was not prepared to see them first-hand. The size of them shooting off into the sky, so high he thought they may disappear, and the booming and swirling sounds as they danced beautiful patterns in the sky. The colours were so vibrant against the dark blue sky they stayed imprinted in his mind even far after he fell asleep.

In his wandering thoughts, he found himself sighing longingly throughout the day as he completed his tasks. Everything seemed so dull and mundane compared to his night with Bakugou. No, it was Katsuki now. Just saying it to himself made him smile. He hoped the man would keep his promise and take him to the festival once more, and if he spent longer than usual in the orchard looking beyond the stone path, then that was only for him to know...



Bakugou groaned, muffling his head under the ridiculously soft feather pillow, willing his mother to go away. She had been standing outside his door for five minutes, yelling at him to get out of bed and come to breakfast. Bakugou was tired, he was in a brilliant mood after last night, and didn't want to waste time sitting with and talking to nobles when he could be reminiscing on his night with Shoto and plan what to do when they go out together next.

"Katsuki, get your ass out of bed right now!" 

"Go away, you old hag!" he yelled back before throwing the duvet over his head.

It seemed he had won the battle, for eventually footsteps receded from his door, leaving him to enjoy the late morning sun pouring through the balcony doors as he pulled the duvet off his body. Looking down he noticed he had fallen asleep in his clothes, only having removed his cloak and boots, and he could smell lingering smoke from the fireworks. He smiled and pushed himself out of bed, heading out onto the balcony with a cup of tea that was left alongside its pot on his table.

The sky was bright and blue, spotted with clouds as far as the eye could see. From his room he had a view of the expansive forest, shrubs and flowers starting to bloom amongst the evergreens and winter frost. He could see the capital city, the crowds of people blurring into one wave of movement as they went through their days. If he looked hard enough he imagined he could see Shoto's very house hidden amongst the village, and he hoped Shoto spared a thought on him as he no doubt would do all day.

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