Who Hurt You? Pt.1

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of blood, bruises, fainting and abuse

THEMES: angst, fluff, BakuTodoDeku


Nobody was worried when curfew passed and Todoroki wasn't back in the dorms. He had said that he was going to visit his brother and sister and Fuyumi's apartment and that Aizawa gave him clearance to stay out past curfew. Due to their limited knowledge about Todoroki's past, they all told him to have a good evening and to not rush back. 

Nobody was concerned about Todoroki's unusual quietness throughout the day. He was usually calm and reserved, so his complete day of silence went by pretty unfazed. He didn't utter a word in class or at lunch, and headed out just before dinner; so there were no more chances to talk to him. Yet they all assumed everything was as normal.

Unfortunately, this was not the case. Because you see, Shoto wasn't going to visit his siblings, he wasn't going to Fuyumi's apartment and he wasn't planning on coming back to the dorms that night. No, he wasn't running away, he just had another occupation that would take up a long, long time.

Midoriya said goodbye to his friend before Todoroki left the dorm, Uraraka gave him some cupcakes Sato had baked that afternoon, Bakugou shouted at him to get out of the way of the door, and Aizawa met him at the gates to make sure his student knew where he was going. Shoto was confident he knew the way, yet when he watched the boy walk away down the street, Aizawa couldn't help but feel some sort of foreboding in his chest.

Shota didn't spend to long musing over this feeling however, as he knew Todoroki was one of his most capable students in wits and battle so he would be fine. Once he assured himself he was over-reacting he turned around and headed over to the teachers' accommodation; just missing Shoto walking back up the street and turning in the opposite direction with a grim expression on his face.

When the school had announced that the pupils would be living in dorms, Shoto foolishly believed that he had finally escaped his family home and- most of all- his father. He enjoyed living in the dorms and did not miss having to stay awake all night nor having to constantly look over his shoulder for flashes of red. It was fun and put his nerves to rest. 

But then his father had seen his actions during the Sports Festival and was far from impressed. Catching his son soon after the event had ended he slammed him into the nearest wall and demanded an explanation.

"You use your flames when that boy tells you then don't use them again?! I demand you to use them yet you disobey me! I gave you that power, do you hear me?! I expect you to follow my orders! Be at home Friday night at 7PM or prepare to face the consequences; this time it will be more than just blood relatives that get hurt."

It made Todoroki's blood boil that his father could say 'home' but not 'family'. 'Blood relatives' made them sound like they were test subjects forced to live together, no emotional ties between them. Well, the Todoroki family did have emotional ties, but most of them were despair, anger, fear or regret. Regret... that emotion he buried inside that was associated with two people: Rei and Touya. He missed them both.

So, not wanting any of his classmates or teachers to get hurt, he made up the lie that he was going to visit his siblings and spend the start of the weekend with them. He also added that he may stay over and not return until Saturday, latest Sunday. He had to wait a few days to get confirmation from Principal Nezu and Aizawa, but at the earnest expression- one that was all too fake- they agreed and told him to relax from his studies.

Oh, he would be relaxing from his studies, in one manner of the word.

The week upcoming to his visit to his father, he was constantly zoned out or isolating himself in his room. Remembering his past caused him pain, both physical- through the ghosts of gashes, bruises, or the hideous scar on his face- or emotional, reminding him of the family and childhood he lost... all because of his power-hungry father who didn't know the meaning of the word 'enough', 'love' wasn't even in his vocabulary.

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