Part-time Ambitions Pt.1

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TRIGGER WARNING: light mentions of abuse

THEMES: Todobowl, 1A band, music


A few members of class 1A had been acting strange as of recent, missing out on group activities and sneaking out in the evening several times a week. At first it didn't draw any attention due to the nature of the different people sneaking out - Jirou, Shinsou, Todoroki, Tokoyami, Bakugou - but the continuous disappearances and glances between the quadruple led to the class growing more and more suspicious.

One day during lunchtime, the same group of people slipped out of the classroom at different times, and none of them returned after their excuses of 'I'm just going to the toilets' or 'I'm getting my lunch so fuck off' and so on. Midoriya noticed this and caught Kirishima's eye across the room; they both left and began to search the school.

No-one was in the toilets or the cantine (of course they didn't go into the female toilets but did check the mixed-gender one) so they checked Class 1B and 1C just in case. Before they would go and check the training grounds they went up to the rooftop for one more check. Kirishima pulled open the metal door and the pair stepped onto the surprisingly calm rooftop.

Faint chatter came from round the corner so the duo peered around it and found the very people who were missing all conversing in a group. All of them were eating and chatting, surrounded by boxes and pieces of loose paper scattered all over the place; even Bakugou and Todoroki were visually happy-looking.

"What do you think they are doing?" Deku whispered with a confused expression, trying to figure out what they were talking about.

"No idea Dekubro. Is this a new squad we don't know about?" Kirishima questioned.

"Maybe... come on, we shouldn't spy. Not when they all seem happy." Deku decided, and Kirishima nodded his head in agreement.

"Hate it, taking a shot 'cause I can't take it

But I don't think that they make anything that strong, so I hold on. I, I, oh I, I, yeah

I'm so tired of love songs, tired of love songs. Tired of love songs, tired of love. Just wanna go home, wanna go home. Wanna go home, woah. ∼"

They headed back downstairs to the class. saying they had just gone to the toilets if anyone asked. However, they did continue to keep a watch on the group over the next few weeks, but every time they followed someone they seemed to just disappear. It was a little infuriating so they decided to split up in the hopes of following more people to the mystery location.

A whole month passed and they came up empty-handed, so they ended up telling the rest of the class in hopes of finding out what this new squad were up to. A few students took on each of the group but even then they were unsuccessful. It was actually by complete chance that they began to unravel the mystery behind the new squad.

One day Todoroki entered the classroom looking a little down. It was visible in the lack of awareness in his eyes - usually he was always looks at what's around him and what everyone is doing - but now he was downcast and tired. He sat down at his desk and greeted everyone like he usually did but other than that he was quieter than usual. He was completely silent up until lunchtime and couldn't hold a long conversation during break.

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