Descendants Pt.2

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Shoto loved fencing. He could embrace the thrill of a fight without the fear of injury or death, and the swords were slimmer, lighter and more mobile than the old and rusty ones on the Isle. He did have to listen to the instructor go on and on about rules and the etiquette of fencing before they could begin fighting, but what else was to expected in Auradon.

No-one really wanted to fence with him, and Shoto gave anyone who looked his way with apprehension a smirk, humming at the look of anxiousness on their faces. He fought with Denki first and he showed skill but it was clear he had a long way to go before he was on par with Shoto. He had a better fight with Kirishima, who he learned was the son of Mulan.

The red-head was surprised at the sincerity in Shoto's voice when he spoke of Mulan, how he found her story so inspiring as she saved a whole community of people despite the stereotypes and misconceptions towards her gender. 

Shinsou was a great opponent, as despite his tired appearance he was swift and controlled. But, his skill made the fight boring, as he didn't really show a passion or drive to win. It seemed nobody else wanted to fight him once he held the tip of his sword to Shinsou's neck, and he sighed at how quickly his fun was over when Bakugou offered to spar with him. Immediately, the instructor tried to dissuade the prince from fighting, not wanting him to get injured by a villain's kid, but the blond brushed him off and they went into their positions.

This fight was truly thrilling. The more they fought the more aggravated Bakugou got, the more his demeanour of a calm prince slipped and all that remained was the son of the Beast. They jumped over tables and leaned onto balconies, rolling and diving in a way that had the rest of the students running to one corner of the room. Shoto could see Bakugou's drive to win, and relished in how he was a real opponent to him. 

But, at last, Shoto let his charade drop and fought ruthlessly, so that in less than thirty seconds Bakugou was on his back on the floor with Shoto's sword dangling above his heart. He huffed and went to sit up, but a light tap of Shoto's sword stopped him. The boy was looking down at him with a hint of expectation in his eyes; after a moment of thinking he held out his hand.

"Good match."

Shoto shook it and pretended to help Bakugou up before letting go of his hand. He grinned at how the blond stumbled a little to stand upright before they all put their swords away as the bell rang, signalling the end of the day...

Shoto was in his room after having dinner, too tired from the amount of social interaction he had done that day. Everything was so bright and upbeat it was too intense, but at least the food was amazing. In his room he finally felt relaxed: time alone in his own private space, exactly what he was used to.

As expected he didn't do the homework Shinsou handed to him from his missing lessons, but instead tried to tackle a machine called a laptop that he was given that day. He was told he could use it for school or to find out more about Auradon, so once he found this thing called the internet he used the buttons to find information on the Book of All for One. He searched and searched late into the night until his eyes couldn't stand the brightness of the laptop. Exhausted, he shut the machine and put it on the table before getting changed and all but passing out when his head hit his pillow...

"Shoto, you have been chosen as the first participant for the villain rehabilitation programme in Auradon."

Shoto froze, letting himself comprehend the words fully before he turned around to his father with an incredulous expression. They had just finished an intense training session so this was not what he was expecting to hear from his father; his mind was more focused on trying to manage his injuries.


"You have been deemed worthy of trying this programme above all other rascals on this island. You will carry my name with pride and fulfil my goal of harnessing the power of All for One."

Shoto Todoroki OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now